Major Albert G. Maroscher

Educator – Military Officer

Major Albert G. Maroscher lived on this earth for 32 years. 他在PG电子游戏只呆了三年, but left an indelible imprint on The Forty Acres, modeling drive, determination, academic achievement, service and patriotic devotion to our nation.

马罗舍尔是罗马尼亚人,后来加入了美国国籍. 作为一个小男孩,他的家人在第二次世界大战期间逃离了家园. He walked over 600 miles across Romania, Hungary, Austria, and eventually into Bavaria, Germany in May 1945, where he and his family temporarily settled.

一天,马罗舍正在翻找垃圾,这时一个美国士兵向他走来. 马罗舍尔站在自己的立场上,士兵亲切地笑了笑,还给了他一块巧克力. 这次短暂的相遇和善意的举动是对一个美国人的友好介绍,为马罗舍尔渴望成为美国公民奠定了基础. 马罗舍一家后来移居美国,成为美国公民.

阿尔伯特·马罗舍尔1959年从俄亥俄州立大学毕业,被任命为陆军少尉. After officer’s training at Fort Benning, Georgia, he was assigned to Germany as a platoon leader, public information officer, company executive officer, company commander, and battalion adjutant. In 1963, he returned to the U.S. 作为一名上尉,并被分配到HSU的ROTC项目担任军事科学助理教授. While at HSU, Maroscher earned a master’s degree in history.

当他完成在俄亥俄州立大学的任务,在巴拿马完成丛林战训练后, 马罗舍尔准备前往东南亚为国效力. His wife, Betty, said that the young officer told her, “I love my country and if I die, I want it to be in service to my country. In August 1967, 马罗舍尔在越南的第一步兵师报到, where he was promoted to major. 1968年4月15日,他在一架被敌方火力击落的飞机上丧生.

Back home in Abilene, Col. Johnny Rice, HSU professor of military science and ROTC director said, 马罗舍尔上尉在各方面都是一名职业军官. 他的离去会给我们的计划留下很大的漏洞.” Maroscher’s funeral service was held in Behrens Chapel.

HSU University President Dr. 埃尔温·斯基尔斯宣布,他希望建立一座纪念碑,以纪念马罗舍尔少校,将学生们的思想引向上帝和他们的国家. 1969年举行了一个特别的仪式,为今天矗立在校园前草坪上的新校园旗杆纪念碑举行了落成典礼.

为了纪念丈夫,他的妻子贝蒂在死后被授予了几个奖项. Among those awards were the Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, Soldier’s Medal, Bronze Star Medal, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and Purple Heart.

The Silver Star, the nation’s third highest award, was presented for gallantry in action on January 31, 1968, 当时马罗舍尔在西贡郊区的营里担任负责战术行动的军官. 他所在部队的部分部队遭到敌人机关枪和自动武器的猛烈射击. Disregarding his own personal safety, 他调动了自己的指挥力量,以消灭敌人的许多阵地,减少美军的伤亡.

马罗舍尔在2月21日参加空中飞行时,还因英勇行为获得了杰出飞行十字勋章, 1968. While making an aerial reconnaissance, 马罗舍尔得知,他营的一个连正与一支隐蔽得很好的敌军激战. 他和他的飞行员多次飞越树梢,试图找到敌人的位置,并用烟雾弹做标记. 他协调地面和空中力量对抗敌人的勇敢努力对战胜敌对势力具有重要意义.

The Soldier’s Medal, 12月31日,他的行为获得了美国最高的英雄主义勋章,以表彰与武装敌人没有实际冲突的英雄主义, 1967. When an ammunition supply area caught fire, 马罗舍尔乘坐一辆装甲车进入该地区,指挥搜救被困人员. 他的足智多谋和对战友的关心,在限制灾难的严重程度和伤亡人数方面发挥了重要作用.

Other decorations presented were the Bronze Star Medal, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and Purple Heart. 服役奖章和徽章包括国防服役奖章, Viet Nam Service Medal, Viet Nam Campaign Ribbon, Combat Infantry Badge, Marksmanship Badge and Parachute Badge.

Mrs. Betty Maroscher has described her late husband as “not only a wonderful officer and fantastic human being; but, he was the love of my life.“表彰他为国家做出的杰出爱国贡献,以及他在战斗中的勇敢表现, Hardin-Simmons University proudly inducts Major Albert G. Maroscher into the HSU Hall of Leaders.